
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lightning Fast- Sight Word Style

Learning/teaching sight words can be a hair pulling task for some of our little words. We know they need to know these words but for whatever reason some just have the hardest time identifying these words. Some just need extra practice as school because sadly they do not receive it at home. Quite frankly, I have been getting tired of practicing sight words using dry erase boards, magnetic letters, play doh, singing/cheering etc. My kiddos (and me!) NEEDED something new.

So I began brainstorming so ideas for my kiddos to practice their sight words. I wanted something that would be easy for any volunteer to come in, grab and be able to implement without giving directions. I wanted something that I could easily add into my word work for them to work with a buddy. I wanted it to be EASY. So I have begun my sight word games. Each game I have made so far have  fun thematic graphics (thanksgiving, christmas, winter) but most importantly has the same format and rules. I have added fun cards that will get the kiddos laughing and learning and wanting to learn their sight words fast to win the games. (this is my hope! :))

Every game includes the same 100 words. This allows you flexibility to choose words your students need to work on during each "theme."

Now since it is the season of giving, I have 2 gifts for you! The first gift is: The Sight Word Gobble Game is FREE (for the next couple of hours!) Several of you have taken advantage of this gift since you are already fans of the facebook page! If you are not a fan yet, make sure you hop over so you know of all fan only specials!
Click here to get this game for FREE!

My second gift to you is: The Bundle Pack will be discounted for the next several hours! This pack WILL be updated with me themes...great time to buy at a low price and be able to get the updates!
Click here for the bundle!

Need additional words? NO WORRIES! I have included blank cards in each pack that will allow you to add more words. Do you have several words that you would like added? Leave a comment and if there are several people needed those words, I will add them to each game pack!

Happy sightwording!

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